
Science Litepaper

Science Litepaper of Allostasis

Science Litepaper of Allostasis Ecosystem


In recent years, our understanding of health has evolved to become more comprehensive with the emergence of different perspectives such as One Health, Health in All Policies, and Planetary Health. These approaches recognize that the health of the individual is interconnected with the health of society and the environment, and seek to address these dimensions of health in an integrated manner. Allostasis is another concept that underscores the interconnectedness of individual, social, and environmental health, emphasizing the need to consider these dimensions of health holistically rather than in isolation.
The possibility of modeling individual, social, and biosphere health in an integrated manner has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach healthcare and environmental sustainability. By taking a holistic approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of these dimensions of health, we can develop interventions and augmentations that are more effective and efficient at improving overall health outcomes. For example, by using data-driven methods to identify the underlying causes of health issues and understanding how social and environmental factors impact health, we can design targeted interventions that address multiple dimensions of health simultaneously. This could include implementing policies to promote healthy lifestyles, protecting natural resources to preserve environmental health, and providing access to quality healthcare services. By combining interventions and augmentations across all levels of life, we can create a more sustainable and equitable approach to health that benefits individuals, societies, and the biosphere as a whole.

Allostasis Scientific Inspirators

Geoffrey Hinton, Karl Friston, Michael Levin, and Chris Fields are some of the prominent scientists and researchers who have inspired the development of Allostasis. Their groundbreaking work in artificial intelligence, cognitive neuroscience, quantum physics, developmental biology, and systems theory has paved the way for a more comprehensive understanding of the interconnectedness of individual, social, and environmental health. By applying their insights and methods to the study of health and sustainability, Allostasis DAO Foundation seeks to develop a more sustainable approach to healthcare that integrates all dimensions of health.

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Geoffrey Hinton

Geoffrey Hinton is a renowned computer scientist and cognitive psychologist who has made significant contributions to the field of artificial intelligence (AI). His work on the theory of Free Energy has been influential in developing machine learning models that can accurately predict outcomes in complex systems. In addition, Hinton has been a key figure in developing the Boltzmann machine, a type of neural network that uses probabilistic methods to learn from data. His work has also inspired the Free Energy Principle (FEP) developed by Karl Friston

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Karl Friston

karl Friston’s main ideas revolve around the brain as a prediction machine that is constantly generating hypotheses and testing them against sensory data. He developed the Free Energy Principle (FEP), a mathematical framework that describes how living systems, including the brain, minimize the difference between their predictions and actual sensory inputs by minimizing a quantity called “free energy”. Friston’s concept of active inference states that living systems act to change their sensory inputs in order to make them conform to their predictions. He also proposes that the brain uses hierarchical generative models to organize its predictions about the world, which are updated based on Bayesian inference.

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Chris Fields

Chiris Fields is a scientist and author who has made significant contributions to the field of quantum physics, particularly regarding quantum entanglement and its potential role in biology. He has proposed a theory called Quantum Field Theory of Embodied Consciousness, which suggests that consciousness arises from the interactions of quantum fields in the brain and is fundamental to the behavior of matter and energy. Fields has explored the implications of entanglement for biological systems, such as cell communication, and has written extensively on the topic of quantum biology, proposing that quantum mechanics may play a role in processes such as photosynthesis, DNA replication, and the sense of smell. His work has important implications for fields such as neuroscience, biology, and philosophy.

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Michael Levin

Michael Levin is a biologist known for his research on regeneration and bioelectricity. His main ideas include the role of bioelectric signals in tissue regeneration, the concept of morphogenetic fields in the development and organization of tissues and organs, the idea that cells process information and make decisions based on electrical signals, and his involvement in the field of synthetic biology. His work has implications for the development of new therapies for human diseases and injuries, and he has received numerous awards for his contributions to science and education.

Mind Map

Welcome to this mind map on the Allostasis DAO Foundation!The foundation is focused on promoting precision health and sustainable living, using the latest technologies and scientific insights. We believe in the power of democratized science to develop interventions that support optimal well-being.This mind map will explore the different aspects of this approach, such as free energy principle based modeling, evolutionary biology, the Gaia hypothesis, 4E theory of cognition and collective cognition.

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