Signal preprocessing and analysis of HRV

1 June 2022

Signal Preprocessing And Analysis Of HRV

Short-term HRV analysis and long-term HRV analysis are two methods for evaluating the autonomous nervous system (ANS). First and foremost, identifying and removing artifacts, ectopic beats, and arrhythmia as well as assessing the clean and reliable HRV, is the first stage in analyzing the HRV signal. For measuring HRV, we need R peaks in the QRS complexes. Therefore, QRS complex extraction is of paramount importance. Different noises including motion artifacts, powerline interference and respiration, can affect the accuracy of R-peak detection. Pre-processing of ECG signal leads to a more accurate QRS detection and more reliable HRV. As seen in the fig. 8 diagram, the main pre-processing procedure are resampling, denoising, QRS detection, correction and detrending, which are discussed in the following sections.

Figure 8. The process of HRV assessment

(i) Resampling

Different recording conditions and analysis options have an impact on HRV measurements.  For reducing observational errors and improving peak detection, selecting the appropriate sample rate for digitizing the signal is critical.
When the initial sample rate is quite high, we reduce the number of sample points per second by down sampling. However, a low sampling frequency may cause random errors in power of high frequency and distort the peak detection. As a result, the detailed information of HRV signal would be lost. On the other hand, in the era of telemonitoring and wearable devices, we must choose a lower sample rate to reduce the system’s computing expenses and complexity while also optimizing energy use because of limitations imposed by smaller device sizes and lower battery capacities [1].
The recommendations of the American Heart Association and the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation suggest that the minimum sampling rate for a digital ECG recording should be 500 samples per second (Hz), however, depending on the utilized method for QRS detection, a different sampling rate could be chosen. Accordingly, the table below lists some studies, their suggested sample rates, used interpolation method and features related to analysis domain.
Briefly, the mean amplitudes of the R-peaks tend to decrease as the sampling rate reduce [2]. Pizzuti et al. reported that they didn’t detect significant differences between the recordings sampled at rates of 250 Hz and 500 Hz, besides many studies have introduced this range as an optimal and acceptable range of sampling rate [1, 3]. However, in [4] and [5] between 500Hz and 1000Hz have been chosen as optimum ECG sampling frequency.
By comparing different sampling frequencies and evaluation of resultant HRV, Hejjel et al. suggested a sampling frequency of 1ms interval for HRV analysis which without interpolation gives an accurate time domain measure [6].
However, for spectral analysis, sampling rate dependent on healthy or patient cases could be different [7]. For instance, in the case of pathologically decreased HRV in patients, the spectral characteristics could be intensively affected by sampling frequency.
Some studies recommend utilizing interpolation for ECG data with low sampling frequency. Interpolation is a technique for increasing the quality of ECG signal and the accuracy of R-peak detection and then HRV assessment.
By comparing HRV measurements with and without cubic spline interpolation, a common interpolation method, a sampling rate of 71 Hz with interpolation has been suggested to be effective [4]. Using down-sampling to 100 Hz and even 50 Hz and then anti-aliasing filter, Mahdiani et al interpolated the ECG signal by cubic interpolation method and chose 71Hz for sampling rate. But this is probably not suitable for wearable devices because of the non-symmetry property of the R-peak waveform in some cardiovascular diseases [8].
To sum it up, low sampling frequency, i.e., below 250 Hz, can lead to a low quality and unreliable HRV which it can be ironed out by a well-chosen interpolation technique. In order to access accurate HRV and utilize it for mental state monitoring purposes, it seems that one of the most beneficial techniques has been proposed in [9] that is based on piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation (PCHIP) and piecewise cubic spline interpolation (SPLINE) for lower sampling frequency (128 Hz and lower). Moreover, methods based on cubic spline interpolation (CSI) algorithm, are efficient in terms of latency reduction and complexity, thus they are proper for real-time implementation.
In table 2, the studies are arranged according to the year they were published. As seen, depending on the utilized method for QRS detection, a different sampling rate could be chosen. Accordingly, the optimum range of sampling is 250-500 Hz, in which an accurate HRV in terms of HRV parameters in different domains can be assessed without using interpolation.

Article Goal and method Sampling rate interpolation compared features Subjects/Data
Habib et al. 2020 [10] Accurate HRV
QRS detection using CNN
Acceptable range for sampling frequency
100,250 Hz interpolation distort high frequency signals CNN Model accuracy MIT-BIH, mix of healthy and arrhythmia
Petelczyc et al. 2020 [4] accurate HRV
Errors Due to Sampling Frequency
512 Hz
_ Time domain
Frequency domain
nonlinear parameters
MIT-BIH, mix of healthy and arrhythmia
Kwon et al. 2018 [1] Accurate HRV
Acceptable range for sampling frequency
250 Hz linear interpolation Time domain
Frequency domain
Poincare plot analysis
ED patients
Ajdaraga & Gusev 2017 [3] QRS detection
Acceptable range for sampling frequency
optimal range is 250-500 Hz
sufficient accuracy: 120Hz
_ different Model accuracy MIT-BIH, mix of healthy and arrhythmia
Mahdiani et al. 2015 [8] Accurate HRV 100 Hz Cubic Spline interpolation Time domain healthy
Ellis et al. 2015 [11] Accurate HRV
reduce severity of false positive R peak
125Hz without interpolation
71Hz with interpolation
Cubic Spline interpolation Time domain
Frequency domain
PTBDB, healthy
Sidek and Khalil 2013 [9] enhance HRV, use interpolation 128Hz Hermite interpolation
piecewise cubic spline interpolation
_ mix of healthy and patients
Ziemssen et al. 2008 [7] influence of sampling on spectral analysis and baroreflex
accurate TRS technique
)normal HRV, higher HRV, RMSSD>10(
_ Frequency domain EUROBAVAR
Hejjel and Roth 2004 [6] Acceptable range for sampling interval 1000Hz _ Time domain healthy
Berntson et al. 1997 [5] HRV Methods
accurate HRV
250Hz normal HRV
_ _ _
Malik et al. 1996 [12] Standards of measurement 250 – 500Hz
128Hz normal HRV and interpolation
_ _ _
Abboud and Barnea 1995 [13] accurate HRV
Errors Due to Sampling Frequency
normal HRV
higher HRV
lower HRV: 1KHz
_ Frequency domain mix of healthy and patients
Menz 1994 [14] Accurate HRV
Acceptable range for sampling frequency
500Hz _ Amplitude of peaks _
Pizzuti et al 1985 [2] Accurate HRV
Comparison between 500Hz and 100Hz, 500Hz and 250Hz
Acceptable range for sampling frequency
250-500 Hz _ Amplitude of peaks

(ii) Denoising

Generally, the ECG denoising methods have been classified into different techniques [11] illustrated in figure 9. As a matter of fact, most of the methods are suitable for the static ECG signals rather than ambulatory recordings. In wearable concept the most prominent noise is motion artifact. Motion artifact can be originated from both electrode movement (EM) and the muscle artefact (MA). Table 3 shows various types of noises that contaminate the ECG, their frequency range, and the sources from which they originate. According to the latest review [15] and conveying literature based on all noise removal techniques, the most efficient methods to enhance the SNR are as explained in table 4. Some of these approaches have been designed for wearable concept and some other have the potential to be implemented real-time in wearables.
EMD is a local and adaptive method in the frequency-time domain which is appropriate for nonstationary and non-linear signals. In accordance with researches, it could be implemented real-time also, can remove motion artifact and other types of noises including BW and PLI with quite high performance [20-22].
Deep-learning based methods have been widely used recently. A denoising autoencoder (DAE) is a machine learning model that recreates the input signal with the highest achievable level of accuracy using two nonlinear subparts called encoder and decoder [17, 40]. Moreover, the improved approach of DAE for ECG denoising named Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), is used in [15] and they reported SNR improvement of 41.36% for specifically MA artifact. Although they are offline for training stage, the denoising stage is online and can be used for real time denoising.
Wavelet-based methods have an advantage to be real time besides its efficiency in terms of SNR improvement [18, 27-37, 40]. One of the considerations that should be studied is choosing the appropriate mother wavelet and a thresholding technique. The selection of an appropriate wavelet basis function for denoising an ECG signal was carried out in [16] research.

Figure 9. ECG denoising techniques category[15].

Sparsity-based decomposition to denoise ECG signal breaks the signal into sparse parts and residue and utilizes the sparse parts in order to estimate clean signal [11]. Least Mean Squares (LMS) and Recursive Least Squares (RLS) are among this category’s techniques that have a good performance in online motion artifact removal [36, 27, 39, 43, 44].
One of the Bayesian-filter based denoisers for ECG is Kalman filter and its versions such as adaptive and extended Kalman filter (AKF and EKF). Being applied on multiple databases as well as being real-time and suitable for Holter monitoring, AKF and EKF successfully could remove MA artifact and enhance the SNR [14, 16].
Based on table 4, the most effective ECG denoising techniques that can be used in online ambulatory ECG monitoring using wearable devices are AKF [14], EKF [16], LMS adaptive [25], SWT [29], variable frequency demodulation [41] and RMS [42]. Therefore, because of low computational complexity and high performance in motion artifact removal, implementation of these methods can fulfill our enquires for ambulatory application.

Noise Range of frequency Source
baseline wander (BW) 0.15–0.3 Hz respiration, body movements, bad electrode
contact, and skin-electrode impedance
powerline interference (PLI) 50/60 Hz inductive and capacitive couplings of power lines
electromyographic (EMG/MA) 0.01–1000 Hz electrical
activities in muscles
Motion artifact (large swing in the baseline) (MA) 1-10 Hz stretching, coughing, ambulation and changes in the electrode skin impedance
Channel Noise All frequency components, such as AWGN [36] Poor channel conditions
Electrode Contact Noise (EM) Duration of 1 second [36] loss of contact between the electrode and the skin

Table 3. The type of noise, range of frequency and their sources

Reference Method Noise and Artifact advantage or disadvantage Validation
Hesar HD, Mohebbi M 2020 [18] Adaptive Kalman Filter (AKF) WGN
Suitable for Holter monitoring,
Simple & fast preprocessing,
Applied on 4 databases
SNR improvement= 9.90 %
Wang J. et al. 2019 [19] Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based on deep learning MA
Offline training
Online denoising
SNR improvement (MA) = 41.36 %
SNR improvement (EM) = 38.09%
Hesar HD, Mohebbi M 2017 [20] New marginalized extended Kalman Filter (MP-EKF) MA Evaluated on arrythmia (2 databases) SNR improvement= 16 %
Chiang HT et al. [21] Fully convolutional network denoising autoencoder (FCN-based DAE) EM+BW+MA Higher performance than DNN/CNN based DAEs SNR improvement= 15.49 %
Manas Rakshit, Susmita Das 2018 [22] Dictionary learning-based sparse representation MA
2 databases SNR improvement (MA) = 11.69 %
Oscar Hernández, Edgar Olvera 2009 [23] Undecimated wavelet transform (UWT) Mixture of various noises (EM, BW, MA, PLI…) offline SNR improvement= 17 %
Lee, McManus, Merchant, & Chon 2012 [24] EMD Motion and Noise Artifact Real-time Sensitivity=96.63%
Blanco-Velasco et al. 2008 [25] EMD high frequency noise
baseline wander
Lakhe et al. 2020 [26] Spectral trimming technique motion artefact Real time RMSE = 17.24
CC = 0.91
SNR = 7.09
Hossain et al. 2020 [27] Variable frequency complex demodulation (VFCDM) algorithm Muscle and motion artifact Real time
high frequency noise
Sensitivity =99.14%
P+ = 97.62%
Accuracy = 96.80%
Chandrakar & Sharma 2015 [28] adaptive window technique
(Threshold in time series for detect R)
power line interference
EMG interference
baseline wandering
motion artifact
Real time
Fast process
Easy and cheap
Kim et al., 2012 [29] LMS adaptive filter Motion artifact
baseline wandering
Real time
Need noise reference channel
Hanine et al. 2017 [20] RLS Adaptive Filtering EMG interference Real time
Need noise reference channel
P. S. Addison, 2005 [31] CWT
NR CWT: high computational cost NR
El B’charri, Latif, Elmansouri, Abenaou, & Jenkal, 2017  [32] DT-WT
Modified unified threshold
Semi-soft function
Combined noise (highest weight for MA) Real time
Overcome shortcomings like aliasing
All kinds of noises
For MA:
SNR imp. = 7.22
MSE = 0.00277
Berwal et al 2019 [33] SWT
Multi-resolution thresholding
motion artifact
EMG interference
power-line interference
baseline wandering
separation of low and high frequency motion artifacts correlation coefficient=0.9337
Nagai, Anzai, & Wang, 2017 [34] SWT
Haar wavelet (Db1)
(Energy of signal for QRS detection and energy threshold)
motion artifact Real time correlation coefficients=0.88
Bhoraniya & Kher, 2014 [35] DWT
motion artifacts NR NR
Chen et al. 2006 [36] DWT 3 levels
hard threshold
(QRS adaptive threshold)
motion artifact
power-line interference
baseline wandering
Real time correct detection rate=99.5%
Mukhopadhyay et al 2012 [37] DWT
8 levels
Yanık et al., 2020 [38] Wavelet analysis
Db6 wavelet
zero thresholding
EMG interference
power-line interference
baseline wandering
Wang et al. 2019 [39] Wavelet
Soft threshold
EMG noise
high frequency noise
Enhance P, T wave detect
high frequency noise
Boutaa, Bereksi-Reguig, & Debbal, 2008 [40] Multiresolution analysis using wavelets
Daubechies wavelet
universal threshold
Soft thresholding
(Threshold in wavelet for QRS)
power interference
EMG interference
motion artifact
baseline wandering
NR Sensitivity=99.88%
Shimauchi et al. 2021 [41] CWT
Hann-windowed complex sinusoid
complete morlet
EMG interference
motion artifact
baseline wandering
semi real time F1 score=0.98, 0.95
Lázaro et al. 2020 [42] PCA, NLMS (Adaptive Weiner), an innovative channel selection method EMG Armband, real-time Simultaneous Holter Monitoring
Accuracy = 90.79%
Sensitivity = 92.05%
Specificity = 90%
Reljin et al. 2020 [43] Redundant Convolutional Decoder-Encoder (R-CED) White/pink/blue/purple/brown/motion
Armband Simultaneous Holter Monitoring
SNR, Cross correlation, Ratio of power
SNR= 91.86%
ratio of power= 0.71 _ 0.03
cross-correlation= 0.77 _ 0.06
Berwall et al. 2018 [44] DWT (Biorthogonal Spline WT) NR Wearable, Arrhythmia detection Sensitivity = 99.31%
+P = 99.19%
DER (detection error rate) = 1.49%
Hossain et al., 2021 [45] variable-frequency complex demodulation
(Pan and Tompkins QRS detection)
Motion artifact Long term monitor and wearable P+ = 92.9577%
SNR= 1.4595 ± 0.6326
An & K Stylios, 2020 [88] Adaptive filter
impedance pneumography as reference signal
Motion artifact Real time
Good performance for normal/abnormal ECG
Need noise reference channel
Correlation coefficient= 0.9877
Mean square error= 0.0042
R-square= 0.9750
SNR= 19.9919 dB
Seol, Lee, & Lee, 2018 [46] Adaptive filter,
Motion artifact Real time
Need noise reference channel
Brij N. Singh et. Al. 2006 [68] DWT (Daubechies 8) + Hybrid Sure thresholding scheme All kinds of noises Real time
Retain necessary diagnostic information by peak preservation
RMSE = 0.062

Table 4. Literature review of noise type, effective removal
CC=Correlation Coefficient

(iii) QRS detection

Peak detection is one of the most challenging steps of ECG preprocessing. Generally, in peak detection, two anomalies can be remarkable. First due to peak detector errors and second due to ectopic beats. We should minimize peak detector errors by choosing the best detection algorithm.

Figure 10. Classification of QRS detection algorithms

The challenges we face, are due to variety of artifacts and different cardiac abnormalities, such as isolated QRS-like artifacts and premature ventricular contractions (PVC) [44]. Since we use R waves to determine the HRV, these abnormalities affect the analysis of HRV especially in the spectral domain more than in other domains. Table 5 illustrates a literature review on previous proposed QRS detection methods. Also, their computational load and validation parameter are reported.
The most reputed and the gold standard algorithm for QRS detection, which has the capability of real-time processing scenario, is Pan-Tompkin’s method. This approach is based on discrete analysis of slope, amplitude, and width and detects QRS complex of ECG signals real-time with a sensitivity of 99.76%[50].

article method Computational load Validation
Poli et al. 1995[47] Genetic Algorithm NR (%)=99.60
+P (%)=99.51
Hamilton and Tompkins 1986[48] BPF
Adaptive threshold
NR (%)=99.69
+P (%)=99.77
Zhang and Lian 2009[49] Multiscale morphology NR (%)=99.81
+P (%)=99.80
Leong et al. 2012[50] Quadratic spline wavelet NR (%)=99.31
+P (%)=99.70
Nallathambi and principe 2014[51] Pulse train NR (%)=99.58
+P (%)=99.55
Pan-Tompkins 1985 [52] BPF + FD + squaring + MA
medium (%)=99.76
+P (%)=99.56
Acc (%)=99.3
Li et al. 1995[53] WT + digital filter
Singularity + threshold
medium Acc(%)>99.8
+P (%)=98.89
Afonso et al. 1996[54] Filter bank
high (%)=99.59
+P (%)=99.56
Moares et al. 2002[55] LPF + FD + spatial velocity
medium (%)=99.88
+P (%)=99.69
Martinez et al. 2004[56] WT
Threshold + ZC
medium (%)=99.66
+P (%)=99.56
Chiarugi et al. 2007[57] BPF + first derivative
low (%)=99.76
+P (%)=99.81
Zheng and Wu 2007[58] DWT + cubic spline + interpolation+ MA
High (%)=99.68
+P (%)=99.59
Arzeno et al. 2008[59] First derivative + Hilbert transform
medium (%)=99.24
+P (%)=99.29
FD + squaring + BPF
+P (%)=99.57
Threshold’s variation (%)=99.58
+P (%)=99.57
Bsoul et al. 2009[60] BPF, subtraction the regression line
low Acc (%)=99.8
Engelse and Zeelenberg 1979 [61] FD+digital filter+Threshold (%)=98.42
+P (%)=98.39
Pal WT
medium (%)=99.6
+P (%)=99.51
Benitez [62] FD + HT
medium (%)=99.64
+P (%)=99.83
Elgendi 2013[63] BPF + SD + squaring
Low (%)=99.87
+P (%)=99.78
Thirrunavukkarasu et al. 2019 [64] WT(Db4)+Shannon energy
Benitez 2000 [62] FD + HT medium (%)=99.81
94 (SNR 6 db)
+P (%)=99.83
Pal S. 2010 [65] Multiresolution wavelet transform _ Acc (%)=96
H. Dikhaus [66] Averaging and filtering
Late potential (LP) scalogram of wavelet transform with FFT
_ (%)=86
Specifity = 81%
Miranda MV. [67] feature extraction based on morphology analysis, fiducial point localization, CWT and DWT _ (%)=96
Chen et al. 2005[36] moving-averaging incorporating with wavelet denoising Low (real-time) (%)=99.55
+P (%)=99.49
Christoph [68] Multiple MA + FD
3 combined adaptive thresholds:
an adaptive steep slope threshold,
an adaptive integrating threshold and an adaptive beat expectation threshold
Low (real-time) Algorithm I: 99.69
Specifity = 99.65
Algorithm II: 99.74
Specifity = 99.65
Kalidas and Lakshman 2017 [69] SWT (Db3) + squaring +MA Low (real-time) (%)=99.88
+P (%)=99.84

Table 5. QRS detection algorithms, their computational load and validation parameter

FD=first derivative, SD=second derivative, BPF=band pass frequency, LPF=low pass filter, MA=moving average, WT=wavelet transform, DWT=discrete wavelet transform, SWT=stationary wavelet transform, CWT=continues wavelet transform, HT=Hilbert transform, ZC=zero crossing
The wavelet transform is now widely used to reduce noise and detect peaks. Comparing the Pan and Tompkins algorithm with the Wavelet transform and concluded that while the Pan and Tompkins algorithm is the most widely used method for QRS detection, wavelet is better for denoising and also faster than the Pan and Tompkins algorithm [70].
According to the literature the most impressive methodology for QRS complex detection is a robust and numerically efficient algorithm proposed by Elgendi et al. [63], which has applied the approach on 11 datasets and achieved a sensitivity of 99.87%, as well as its low implementation complexity. The open-source python package, Neurokit2, has implemented some of the most effective ECG processing and QRS detection methods. In addition, with respect to the research objectives, the other methods by low computational load can be implemented real-time, besides their high validation criterion i.e., sensitivity, positive predictive value, specificity and/or accuracy.

(iv) Signal correction

After peak detection and computing the RR-interval time series, correction the time series and the erroneous and ectopic beats in order to extract reliable features is necessary. Frequency domain features and some other features that are extracted from HRV are very sensitive to sample loss and ectopic beats [90]. Several time domain characteristics, such as PNN50, are also affected by ectopic beats [91]. As a result, owing to the fact that the presence of ectopic beats on ECG can drastically change Heart Rate Variability (HRV), many studies have focused on replacement and correction of the ectopic beats.
The following is a list of commonly used methods for detecting and then correcting ectopic beats:

Figure 11. methods to detect and correct ectopic beats [73]

Given the importance of being real-time in the case of wearable devices, time and morphological approaches, wavelet as well as template matching due to their low complexity are among the best options for ectopic detection [73].
Temporal features are mostly based on QRS duration, RR interval duration and QRS pattern, however morphological parameters are measured by cross correlation and time laps [74]. In a study by Lipponen et al [71], two variable thresholds for detecting and correcting abnormal beats (extra beats, missed beats, long or short beats, and ectopic beats) were used.
Also, wavelet-based approaches are used for detecting and correcting premature ventricular contractions (PVC). Daubechies wavelets (Db4) is shown to be appropriate for denoised ECG reconstruction [73]. According to features of HRV, DWT hard thresholding strategy is adequate for time-domain measures but problematic for spectrum measures, yet the DWT detection algorithm combined with linear interpolation is an automated combination suitable for big datasets. Based on [73], the choice of decomposition level and mother wavelet are disadvantages of the wavelet method, but it is simple and robust to noise [72].
Regarding real-time correction of ECG heartbeats as a necessary prerequisite for online monitoring, a real-time automated point-process-based method for detection and correction of erroneous and ectopic beats (extra beat, missed beat, misplaced beat, two misplaced beats, and resetting ectopic beat) is proposed in [75]. The algorithm was tested over two datasets from the Fantasia normal rhythm database and the benchmark MIT-BIH. Comparing this method with 3 methods in [76-78], they found that their method represents an improvement with 99.985% specificity, 100% sensitivity to missed and additional beats, 96.01% sensitivity for artificially misplaced beats, and 98.73% positive prediction value for true arrhythmic occurrences.
The most commonly used interpolation methods for beat correction are: zero-order, first order (linear interpolation), spline and polynomial interpolations. Interpolation techniques that replace ectopic beats reduce HF content and suggested Lomb periodograms for spectral analysis that require no resampling, however choi et al, noticed that in most cases and studies, the use of interpolation reduces errors [89].  In another approach by Wen [89], a trend-predict correction method was adopted to detect ectopic beats. Comparing trend-predict correction method (TPC) with the spline interpolation method and middle value replacement, the result of the TPC method was better than the others. Also, if we have missing RR-interval [80] and [81] suggested using interpolation methods and bootstrapping. [80] found that data without using interpolation methods and bootstrapping is optimal for time domain HRV analysis. In another work, Dong et al. compared four methods to correct ectopic beats for the analysis sample entropy for continuous monitoring of physiological signal.: KeepSampEn (their new method), SkipSampEn (remove the missing values and connect the remaining points), LinearSampEn (linear interpolation) and BootSampEn (bootstrapping). They calculated percentage errors and made pairwise comparisons by paired T-test and came to the conclusion that their new method has the best performance in comparison to others.
Likewise beat correction, resampling is another consideration to reduce errors are RR-interval time series. In [82], different resampling frequencies of RR-interval time series are compared and they suggested a resampling rate of 4 Hz for HR < 90 bpm, 6 Hz for 90<HR<117 bpm and 8 Hz for HR>117 bpm. They used linear interpolation for resampling. The RR-interval resampling rate at 1 Hz and 4 Hz to validate the use of 1 Hz for wearable devices has been compared by authors in [83]. They suggested using 1 Hz linear interpolation, a rectangular window and the Yule-Walker method for estimating sympathetic activity. Also, they compared interpolation methods and found that linear interpolation and cubic spline interpolation showed the best results for time-domain and high frequency related variables, and nearest neighbor interpolation (zero order) showed the best results for low frequency components [84].
In order to evaluate and compare HRV detection and correction algorithms, a common way is to generate abnormal beats or simulate them by removing beats, and then calculate “false positive” and “accuracy” for each method. In addition, some HRV parameters (such as Mean RR, SDNN, RMSSD, LF power, and HF power [71]) to investigate the effects of different simulated artefacts and detection/removal approaches.

(v) Detrending

Studies have shown the non-stationary trend in RR-interval time series affects the frequency analysis of HRV. Thus, in order to get acceptable results in HRV analysis, detrending is of significantly importance. In the following, various types of trends and their effect on HRV in addition to trend removal methods are explained.

Figure 12. types of HRV trends[85, 86]

Figure 13. Various types of trends and the corresponding assessed R-R interval series, taken from [85]

Figure 14. methods for ectopic beat detection

Comparing three methods of detrending RR-interval signals, Li L. et al. showed that detrending could reduce errors. The time cost of EMD and SPA were higher than the wavelet. Also, the Wavelet had better detrending performance [85]. Also, in [86] it has been shown that trends in signals can affect SDNN in time domain analysis and LF and VLF in frequency domain analysis more than others. Moreover, by comparing two methods, Ensemble EMD (EEMD) and SPA, it has been reported that EEMD has better performance in detrending the cosine trends [87].


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