

Business litepaper

Business Litepaper of Allostasis Ecosystem

The Allostasis Litepaper provides a concise and informative guide that explores various aspects of the ecosystem, including its business model, scientific principles, utopian vision, token economy, and Allostasis nodes. As a non-profit organization, the Allostasis DAO foundation is dedicated to nurturing the development of for-profit startups that drive innovation in open platforms focused on promoting health and sustainability. These platforms harness the power of cutting-edge scientific and technological advancements. Although Allostasis operates as a non-profit entity, investors can leverage Allostasis tokens for profitable ventures within startups and platforms.

Throughout human history, tools have played a significant role in enhancing our capabilities. As our ancestors created and used tools, these tools also changed their bodies and brains, ultimately leading to a loop of tool creation, adaptation, and evolution. With the rapid advancement of technology, this process of augmentation has accelerated exponentially. As we have become increasingly reliant on digital devices, such as smartphones, we have essentially become cyborgs with these tools augmenting our cognitive abilities and physiological structures. It is crucial to acknowledge and comprehend this evolution and the implications it holds for our future.

Technology has rapidly evolved in recent years, transforming our way of life and how we interact with the world. However, this unprecedented technological advancement has created an evolutionary mismatch, where our bodies and minds struggle to adapt to the changing environment. It is crucial for us to acknowledge this mismatch in our research and to use technology in ways that promote our health and well-being, rather than exacerbating the problems caused by this mismatch.

Human augmentation refers to using technology to enhance human abilities and performance. With the rapid advancement of convergence technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), virtual reality (VR), and blockchain, human augmentation has become increasingly sophisticated and powerful. AI is being used to develop intelligent systems that can enhance human decision-making and problem-solving abilities, while IoT allows for the connection of everyday objects to the internet, enabling real-time monitoring and feedback on human, social, and environmental activities. VR and AR technologies provide immersive experiences that can simulate real-world scenarios and offer new ways for humans to learn and interact with their surroundings. Blockchain enables the creation of decentralized systems that provide new levels of security, transparency, and trust in various areas of human activity. Together, these technologies are transforming the way we live and work, offering new opportunities for human augmentation. However, it is important to consider the potential implications of these augmentations on human health and wellbeing.

Nick Bostrom is one of the leading proponents of the idea of posthumanism, which involves the transformation of humanity through various forms of augmentation. Bostrom believes that emotional, cognitive, and biological enhancement will allow us to transcend our current limitations and achieve unprecedented levels of intelligence, creativity, and well-being. According to some futuristics, such augmentation is necessary for humans to survive beyond the singularity, a hypothetical point in time when machines surpass human intelligence and become capable of self-improvement at an exponential rate. While some may view this as a dystopian vision of the future, others see it as an exciting opportunity for humans to achieve a higher level of existence.

The essence of scientific research and development about technological augmentations lies in the pursuit of understanding and harnessing the full potential of technology to improve the lives of individuals, society and the environment as a whole. Through rigorous experimentation and analysis, researchers strive to develop augmentations that are safe, effective, and provide meaningful benefits to their users. This process involves collaboration between experts in various fields, including computer science, neuroscience, psychology, biology and biosphere scientists to ensure that the augmentations are designed with both technical feasibility and all living factors in mind. Ultimately, the goal of scientific research and development in this area is to create technological augmentations that can enhance human and social abilities and improve our quality of life in a sustainable and responsible manner.

The threats to the environment, such as global warming, have become increasingly severe and pressing issues in recent years. While many approaches have been taken to address these threats, there is a growing recognition that we need a more efficient and accurate model of the Earth in order to predict and intervene effectively. This is because the Earth is not simply a collection of disconnected systems, but a self-organized living system that is influenced by a vast array of interconnected factors. Even the most sophisticated smart city insights are not enough to fully grasp the complexities of the Earth as a whole. By developing more comprehensive and accurate models of the Earth, we can gain a deeper understanding of the interactions between various systems and work towards creating interventions that can mitigate the effects of environmental threats. This is a critical step towards ensuring the long-term sustainability of our planet and the well-being of future generations.

Allostasis mission is to promote health and sustainability across individuals, societies, environments, and the biosphere.

The vision for Allostasis DAO is to create a global decentralized community that utilizes collective intelligence to address complex issues related to human, social, and environmental health. Our goal is to leverage the power of cutting-edge technologies and interdisciplinary collaboration to develop innovative solutions that promote sustainable living and well-being for all. Allostasis DAO envisions a world where individuals, communities, and the biosphere are in a state of optimal health and well-being. Through research, education, and community engagement, we aim to create a more resilient and connected global society, where human and environmental health are prioritized above all else.

Centralized governments and giant technology companies possess significant power and resources, yet their limited interconnectedness may not make them the best fit for solving complex issues related to individuals, society, and environmental health. These challenges require a more decentralized approach, where interdisciplinary communities can come together to address their unique needs and work collaboratively towards solutions that benefit all. Decentralized communities can harness the power of collective intelligence, enabling diverse perspectives to converge and generate innovative solutions to complex problems. Decentralized communities are better equipped to address environmental challenges, as they can consider the local impact of policies and work towards sustainable practices that benefit both individuals and the biosphere.

Allostasis DAO recognizes the importance of community in promoting health and sustainability through technological augmentations and scientific approaches. The collective knowledge, resources, and expertise of users, entrepreneurs, start-ups, researchers, and developers can contribute significantly to the development of innovative solutions that address the challenges facing society. By working together and sharing ideas, a collaborative and supportive environment can be created that encourages experimentation, growth, and progress. Through its community, Allostasis DAO aims to foster collaboration, encourage the sharing of information, and amplify the impact of similar-minded individuals to create meaningful change and achieve their goals.

Throughout history, humans have been governed by centralized entities, whether they were monarchies, governments, or corporations. However, in recent years, there has been a growing movement towards decentralization as a more democratic and fair way of governing a society. At Allostasis, we strongly believe that the more a society is decentralized, the more transparent and accountable it becomes, and the better decisions are made in the service of the greater good.

While there are challenges associated with decentralized organizations, such as slower decision-making processes and potential instability, technology has advanced to a point where these obstacles can be overcome more easily. With the help of blockchain technology, we can distribute resources and decision-making power among all members of a society, ensuring that everyone has a voice and that decisions are made with the best interests of the community in mind.

At Allostasis, decentralization is one of our core values, and that’s why we have chosen to govern ourselves as a DAO. As a decentralized autonomous organization, we ensure that all members have equal access to technology and resources, and that everyone has the right to vote in decision-making processes. By doing so, we believe that we can create a more inclusive and democratic society where everyone’s needs and opinions are heard and valued for the greater good of individuals, society, and the environment.

The concept of “zero marginal cost society” is proposed by Jeremy Rifkin in his book of the same name. In this book, Rifkin suggests that emerging technologies such as renewable energy, 3D printing, and the internet of things (IoT) can lead to a new economic paradigm where the cost of producing and distributing many goods and services approaches zero. This could lead to a more equitable, sustainable, and inclusive society.

As an emerging decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that is focused on health and sustainability, Allostasis can play a significant role in creating a zero marginal cost society. By leveraging emerging technologies such as blockchain, AI, and the internet of things (IoT), Allostasis can create a platform where individuals, startups, and researchers can collaborate to promote health and sustainability in a cost-effective way.

For example, Allostasis can use blockchain technology to create a secure and transparent platform where individuals can share their health data with researchers and startups. This can lead to the development of more personalized and effective treatments for various health conditions. Similarly, the use of AI and IoT can help individuals monitor and manage their health in a more cost-effective and efficient manner.

In addition to promoting health and sustainability, Allostasis can also contribute to the creation of a zero marginal cost society by promoting open source development and collaboration among its members. By leveraging the power of decentralized governance, Allostasis can create a platform where individuals, startups, and researchers can collaborate and share resources to develop innovative solutions to various health and sustainability challenges.

Fragmentation of Knowledge

In the fields of health and sustainability, knowledge and expertise are often siloed in different disciplines and institutions, making it difficult to bring together the necessary expertise for holistic problem-solving to develop new products or services. Allostasis DAO provides a platform for researchers, developers, and start-ups to collaborate across disciplines and bring together a range of perspectives to address complex issues.

Limited Access to Data

Health and sustainability research often relies on large datasets, but accessing and using these datasets can be difficult due to privacy concerns and technical challenges. This need has highlighted the growing gap between researchers and society. As a result, there is a pressing need for greater collaboration and communication between researchers and the wider community in order to identify and solve complex issues. Allostasis seeks to bridge this divide, empowering both researchers and society to work together more effectively by providing a secure and decentralized platform for data sharing, allowing researchers and developers to access and analyze data more easily in a wider range.

Lack of Transparency and Accountability

Traditional institutions in the health and sustainability fields may lack transparency and accountability, which can lead to a lack of trust among stakeholders. Allostasis DAO offers a decentralized governance system that fosters greater transparency and accountability, empowering community members to engage in decision-making and democratize the processes.

The Challenge of User Privacy and Data Control/Ownership

In today’s digital landscape, users generate vast amounts of data through their online activities, yet they often have limited control over how their data is collected, stored, and used by third-party entities. This lack of control creates a growing concern over user privacy as it can lead to a range of problems, including data breaches, identity theft, and unauthorized data sales and misuse. Without better data control measures in place, users face significant risks to their privacy and personal information. The Allostasis DAO ecosystem platforms address these challenges by providing decentralized Web3.0 solutions where users can become the real owners of their data, decreasing the probability of data fraud and ensuring transparency and accountability through blockchain technology.

Alleviating Barriers to Entry in Health and Sustainability Innovation

The health and sustainability fields face significant challenges due to high barriers to entry, which hinder the development of new products and services. These barriers may arise from the need for technical expertise and resources, making it difficult for small teams or individuals to enter the market. Allostasis DAO can help alleviate these barriers by providing datasets, AI tools and other converging technologies that offer access to state-of-the-art technologies based on scientific models. By democratizing the access to such tools, Allostasis aims to enable more people to contribute to the advancement of health and sustainability. One major issue in the field of health and sustainability is the lengthy process between research and product development. However, Allostasis DAO provides a solution by making technology and the community more accessible to researchers, which facilitates access to datasets & converging technologies and speeds up the R&D process. This shorter path to market means products can be introduced more quickly, benefiting both researchers and the end-users.

Lack of Funding for Innovation

Innovations in the health and sustainability fields often struggle to secure funding, particularly if they don’t fit within traditional investment models. Allostasis DAO provides a decentralized funding mechanism that allows the community to support promising projects that might otherwise face challenges for funding.

Inefficient Communication and Coordination

Even when knowledge and funding are available, communication and coordination can be challenging, particularly when different stakeholders are located in different parts of the world. Allostasis DAO could provide platforms for efficient communication and coordination, allowing stakeholders to work together more effectively.

Limited Market Access

Even when new products or services are developed, it can be difficult to access the market due to regulatory hurdles, lack of funding, or other barriers. Monetizing data, research, products, and other assets can be a significant challenge for individuals, start-ups, researchers, and other organizations due to limited market access. However, By utilizing web3 marketplace of Allostasis DAO, individuals can monetize their assets, which provides an opportunity for them to earn fair compensation for their work while also gaining wider exposure. Additionally, Allostasis DAO’s converging technologies and tools can help to address this problem by providing a platform for entrepreneurs and innovators to showcase their products and services, connect with potential customers and investors, and navigate regulatory hurdles more easily.


Allostasis DAO foundation is a decentralized venture capital platform that enables investors worldwide to invest in promising startups supported by the DAO. Startups submit proposals with detailed working packages that outline their commitment to deliver specific objectives and goals. Community voting evaluates and accepts these proposals, and working packages are approved based on the number of products created by startups or the number of users that each product brings to the ecosystem.

Allostasis DAO has two tokens – Stasis and Allo. Stasis is a stable token minted against cash investment, while Allo is a variable token that circulates throughout the Allostasis ecosystem. All transactions between users and startups, as well as all rewards, are facilitated by Allo tokens. By utilizing a decentralized model for venture capital, Allostasis DAO seeks to support innovative startups from around the world and help them develop impactful solutions for human, social, and environmental health.

Allostasis incentivise each accepted startup by Allo tokens as determined in smart contract of token economies, these tokens are directly allocated to the main smart contract address of each startup. The allocation of tokens is based on the specific working package that the startup has committed to deliver. As the startup delivers on their commitments, a certain amount of allocated tokens will be staked until they are released. The staked tokens are released in two ways: the first is when the startup’s products generate income within the Allostasis ecosystem using Allo tokens. The second is when investors mint Stasis by using their staked Allo tokens to create DeFi (Decentralized Finance) for the Allostasis ecosystem. This mechanism creates a powerful incentive for startups to deliver on their commitments and create value for the Allostasis ecosystem.

Each startup that is supported by Allostasis DAO will have their own NFT that represents their stock shares in the startup. The founders and investors of each startup will determine their share in the NFT’s smart contract and receive a special token for their stake. The profit generated by each startup will be divided among the NFT owners in each season, based on the percentage of their shares represented by the NFT. This model ensures that the interests of the founders and investors are aligned with the success of the startup, and encourages a collaborative approach to building successful ventures.

Governance Model

Allostasis and Radical Markets share a common vision of decentralization and community-driven decision making. Radical Markets, which is based on the work of economist Glen Weyl, promotes new economic models that challenge traditional power structures and encourage more democratic participation. Allostasis DAO, with its decentralized venture capital model and community-driven decision making, is an excellent example of the kind of innovation that Radical Markets aims to promote. By utilizing blockchain technology and smart contracts, Allostasis DAO creates a more equitable and transparent model for funding startups and supporting innovation. The shared vision of Allostasis and Radical Markets demonstrates the power of decentralized technologies to create a more democratic and just society.

The values of Radical Markets are integral to Allostasis DAO’s philosophy and mission. One of the core values of Radical Markets is promoting the decentralization of power and decision-making, which aligns with the DAO’s structure and approach to venture capital. Another value is the promotion of fair and competitive markets, which is reflected in Allostasis’ approach to allocating tokens to startups based on community voting and performance metrics. Radical Markets also advocates for the promotion of public goods and the commons, which is a key component of Allostasis’ focus on supporting startups that develop impactful solutions for the health of human, society, and the biosphere. Finally, Radical Markets emphasizes the importance of individual identity and self-sovereignty, which is reflected in Allostasis’ use of NFTs to represent ownership and share of startups.

Allostasis DAO allows investors to stake Allo tokens that they acquire through DeFi activities. Investors can stake their Allo tokens and participate in DAO votes, which are weighted based on the volume of tokens staked. This means that investors who hold a larger volume of Allo tokens will have a greater say in the decision-making process of the DAO. By allowing investors to participate in this way, Allostasis DAO aims to create a more democratic and transparent platform that is driven by community input and consensus. The DAO also incentivizes investors to hold their Allo tokens for longer periods of time, as this can increase their voting power and overall influence within the ecosystem.

In addition to investors who stake Allo tokens through DeFi, startups that have staked tokens are also given the opportunity to vote in Allostasis DAO. This provides a more democratic and inclusive decision-making process, as startups that have received support from the DAO also have a say in how it operates and evolves. By allowing startups to participate in the decision-making process, Allostasis DAO aims to create a more collaborative and supportive environment that benefits all members of the ecosystem. Startups can use their voting power to help shape the direction of the DAO and ensure that it continues to support innovative solutions for the health of humans, society, and the biosphere.

As a decentralized autonomous organization, Allostasis DAO is designed to operate in a transparent and fair manner, with all decisions and actions taken by the community through a decentralized voting process. This includes the allocation of profits generated by the DAO, which are distributed proportionally to those who hold Allo tokens in their staking wallets. This means that both startups and investors who have staked Allo tokens will receive a share of the profits, based on the size of their stake. By incentivizing participants to hold and stake Allo tokens, the DAO aims to foster a strong and engaged community that is committed to the success and growth of the ecosystem. Additionally, this approach ensures that the interests of all stakeholders are aligned towards achieving the shared goal of supporting innovative solutions for human, social and environmental health.


Allostasis DAO is a decentralized organization that supports innovative startups that are working towards developing solutions that benefit human, social, and environmental health. The Allo token is the native currency of the Allostasis ecosystem and has various utilities and incentives for its holders. The Allo tokens will be distributed as follows:

  • 80% to startups that have been selected for support by the DAO through a transparent and democratic voting process.
  • 5% to content creators who produce valuable and engaging content related to the Allostasis vision and mission.
  • 10% to treasury, ensuring that Allostasis has the resources to continue supporting startups in the long-term.
  • 5% to Allostasis ecosystem development, enabling the DAO to continue growing and evolving in order to better serve its community of stakeholders.Distribution of Allo Token by Percentage

One of the main utilities of the Allo token is to support startups that are aligned with the Allostasis vision and mission. The DAO community will select and vote on the startups that will receive Allo tokens as a form of funding and endorsement.

In order to support startups and community, Allostasis DAO has allocated 8 billion (80%) Allo tokens, with 3 billion (37.5%) of those tokens being allocated to the first six startups that are selected for support. The next six startups to be accepted will receive 2.5 billion (31.25%) of the Allo tokens, and the third set of six startups will be allocated 1.25 billion (15.625%) of the Allo tokens. After this, each set of six startups will receive half of the allocation given to the previous set of six startups.

Token Distribution for Platforms of Allostasis DAO


This allocation structure is designed to ensure that a fair share of tokens is given to each startup while also incentivizing early adoption and successful performance by startups.

In the event that a startup supported by Allostasis DAO fails to achieve its objectives and goals outlined in the working package, the DAO community will vote on whether to burn the tokens allocated to that startup. Burning tokens means that the tokens will be permanently removed from circulation, which can have a positive impact on the overall value of Allo tokens by reducing the supply. This process ensures that only promising and viable startups continue to receive support from the DAO, and that resources are allocated efficiently to those who can make the most impact.

Stasis tokens will be an integral part of the Allostasis ecosystem, used primarily for trading digital and physical assets, as well as for accessing various services and features within the Centeria marketplace. This stable token will help ensure that cryptocurrency fluctuations do not negatively impact the value of assets and services within the ecosystem. Stasis tokens can be used for purchasing goods and services offered by Allostasis partners or can be used to pay for platform access fees. Additionally, Stasis tokens can be converted back to cash, providing users with a seamless way to enter or exit the Allostasis ecosystem. In addition to using Stasis tokens, people can also use Allo tokens for trade in the Centeria decentralized marketplace. This marketplace allows users to buy and sell a wide range of products and services, including those related to health and wellness. Allo tokens can be used to pay for various services and access to different features within the Allostasis ecosystem. The use of both Stasis and Allo tokens provides flexibility and stability for users, making it easier for them to navigate and engage in transactions within the decentralized marketplace.

The Allostasis community acts as a space where people converge to foster positive change. Here, we embrace the power of collective collaboration between users and their AI assistants within a groundbreaking ecosystem. Through active engagement and the sharing of data, we cultivate a community-owned AI engine that is poised to tackle the most pressing challenges of our time. Allostasis harnesses the potential of human-AI collaboration, empowering individuals to contribute their unique perspectives and insights towards solutions that promote human wellbeing, enhance social health, and ensure the sustainability of our environment.

Allostasis ecosystem nodes are essential components of the decentralized infrastructure. These nodes contribute to the network by providing valuable resources such as bandwidth, storage, and computation power. In return for their contributions, nodes are incentivized with Allo tokens, which are distributed through smart contracts deployed on the Ethereum network. The smart contracts manage rewards based on various factors, including the amount of bandwidth, storage, and computation provided by each node, as well as the number of users they bring into the network. This incentivization structure ensures that nodes are fairly and transparently rewarded for their contributions to the Allostasis ecosystem. By providing these incentives, Allostasis encourages participation and growth within the network, which in turn helps to enhance the overall functionality and effectiveness of all platforms in the Allostasis ecosystem.

The nodes within the Allostasis ecosystem are equipped with the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) protocol, which provides a decentralized and distributed file system. However, it’s important to note that the IPFS protocol implemented in Allostasis’s nodes is not primarily used for data storage. Instead, it is leveraged for creating a network of decentralized nodes and recording small amounts of data, such as authentication and verification data. This approach ensures that data is stored securely and privately between nodes, while also allowing for easy and efficient sharing and collaboration among network participants. The nodes include a collaborative server, big data platform for IoT devices, and an artificial intelligence (AI) engine for advanced processing.

Ecosystem of Allostasis DAO Explained in a Chart


The Allostasis DAO Foundation has established an inclusive and open ecosystem to unite innovators, entrepreneurs, and experts dedicated to developing and executing new ideas and solutions that foster a democratic and transparent world. The ecosystem utilizes the power of Industry 4.0 technologies, such as the metaverse, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and Blockchain, to support decentralized applications, smart contracts, and innovative financial instruments like DeFi and NFTs. Allostasis has initiated five platforms as a service and one platform as a marketplace to bring together communities and converge these technologies. The collaborative platforms provided by Allostasis offer the perfect environment for creating impactful solutions that improve human, social, and environmental well-being.

Centeria is a marketplace platform that operates within the Allostasis ecosystem, using advanced technologies like Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). It enables secure and transparent trading of digital and physical assets and services. Centeria accepts various payment methods including cryptocurrencies such as Stasis, Allo, ETH, Tether and traditional payment methods, making it easily accessible to a broad user base. The platform is user-friendly with intuitive navigation and interfaces. Allostasis DAO Foundation supports Centeria in paving the way for a new era of ownership and financial transactions. It addresses both digital and physical assets, including datasets, algorithms, models, designs, digital twins, wearables, IoT devices, and products with QR codes.

Embodia, is a decentralized open-source and open-development metaverse platform. Embodia offers secure, end-to-end encrypted, and decentralized peer-to-peer collaboration. It is built using open-source game engine and collaboration server technology, and it offers metaverse experience services to other members of the Allostasis ecosystem as well as users can add servers to the network freely by themselves. It has ready products for various use cases such as self-meetings, group meetings, doctor’s rooms, psychotherapy rooms, and seminar rooms. It also allows game developers, researchers, asset and avatar designers to create and monetize their own metaverse experiences for expanding the community.

Wearia, is a revolutionary open-source and open-development wearable platform. It provides a large selection of modular full-body wearables that can be adjusted and customized to suit users’ specific requirements. These wearables include advanced bio-sensing technology that can measure various physiological parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, and sleep patterns. In addition, Wearia’s wearables feature haptic feedback technology that can simulate touch and temperature, as well as stimulation technology that can provide targeted stimulation to different areas of the body. The platform also has body tracking technology that can monitor a user’s posture and movements in order to gain useful information about their physical activity.

Avatia is a state-of-the-art platform for precision medicine that leverages an individual’s personal avatar as a digital twin. The platform enables individuals to collect and store their wearable and clinical data in a secure and standardized format, providing them with ownership and control over their own health information. By incorporating medical scans and other records, the platform updates the user’s digital twin and avatar, creating a more precise and personalized digital representation, including the user’s anatomy. The realistic avatars produced on Avatia can also be utilized on metaverse platforms, leading to more precise and effective treatments and care, and also enabling more personalized and efficient research and telemedicine in the field of precision medicine.

Greenia, is a decentralized e-commerce platform that is dedicated to promoting sustainable solutions for IoT, automation, electrification, and digitalization products. It also includes an industry 4.0 and energy efficiency experts’ network, which provides users with access to a wealth of resources and expertise in these areas. Additionally, Greenia features a smart and green solution blog platform, which serves as a hub for knowledge and community engagement, providing users with the latest information and insights on sustainable solutions. One of the most significant benefits of Greenia is that it creates a green community within the Allostasis ecosystem. Users and members can meet and collaborate with each other, share knowledge and ideas and take training courses by Embodia. This allows for a more collaborative and decentralized approach to promoting sustainability, and it also helps to create a more engaged and informed community of users.

Incarnia, is a state-of-the-art platform for personal biofeedback, emotion recognition, and cognitive recognition. The platform is designed to provide users with a comprehensive understanding of their own physical and emotional states. Users can use Embodia to access the self-meeting room and the biofeedback and self-recognition services of LLM large language model AI or other service providers. Additionally, the platform can be connected to wearables and other devices to provide real-time biofeedback, enabling users to make modifications to improve their physical and emotional well-being in real-time. The platform also provides opportunities for self-reflection and personal development, and it can be used for various purposes such as therapy, meditation, and stress management.

Everybody can add new project

In addition to the current portfolio of startups, Allostasis DAO also believes in fostering an open and inclusive ecosystem where other startups and individuals can contribute and promote the goals of Allostasis. By building a community-driven ecosystem, we aim to create a platform where new and innovative ideas can flourish and be supported by the community. Allostasis plans to achieve this by implementing a voting system where the community can vote on new startups that align with the goals of Allostasis. This will allow for a more democratic and decentralized approach to building the ecosystem. Startups that are voted in by the community will be able to access the resources, support, and network of the existing startups, as well as the benefits of the Allostasis tokens (Stasis and Allo)

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