Allostasis Blog

The aim of Allostasis blog is to establish a platform for providing rich content on trending topics in Allostasis communities, including videos, papers, articles, photos, arts, and metaverse experiments. We offer an opportunity for individuals to publish their content related to human, social, and environmental health and sustainability, and collaborate with others. By converting your content into NFTs, you can earn rewards based on the quality and value of your content, as measured by likes, comments and views. This bidirectional relationship ensures that the higher the quality and value of your content, the greater the rewards you receive. You can sell or rent out your NFT to generate income. 




Bayesian Inference: a learning procedure that combines a probabilistic belief with some data in order to obtain a model

Humans and AI in Allostasis Ecosystem

AI Assistants and Community-Owned Collective Intelligence

Allostasis ecosystem Use Cases

Allostasis Ecosystem Use Cases

Active Inference: Framework, model and pattern

Active Inference: Framework, Model and Pattern

application of ultrasound stimulation for neuromodulation across neural system

Ultrasound Stimulation: Harnessing Non-Invasive Neuromodulation

Respiratory entrainment

Respiratory Entrainment: Biomarkers and Patterns

Figure 1 It provides a visual representation of the ascending neural pathways involved in Interoception, specifically focusing on the connections between peripheral internal organs and the brain. It highlights that interoceptive sensory signals from the organs are detected by interoceptors, molecular sensors, or receptors located at the termini of peripheral sensory ganglia. The diagram emphasizes the different pathways through which these signals are transmitted, including cranial/vagal pathways via vagal afferents and spinal nerve pathways via spinal afferents [2].

A Predictive Coding Model of Respiratory Interoception

Figure 1: visual representation of the experimental setup and demonstrates the steps involved in recording and stimulating neural activity in the cerebellar cortex of rats using transcranial ultrasound [8].

Applications of Sound Technology in Entrainment, Virtual Reality, and Embodied Medicine


The Introduction of Ultrasound Stimulation


Photobiomodulation Therapy in Peripheral Nerve System


Transcranial Electrical Stimulation

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