Bayesian Inference: a learning procedure that combines a probabilistic belief with some data in order to obtain a model

16 March 2024

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Bayesian inference is a powerful tool that guides how individuals update their beliefs based on newly acquired data. This approach, rooted in probabilities, enables individuals to define and reason about their beliefs effectively. At its core, Bayesian inference is a methodical process that leverages Bayes’ theorem to refine the probability of a hypothesis as more evidence or information becomes available.

At the outset of Bayesian inference, individuals establish a prior probability distribution that encapsulates their initial beliefs regarding various hypotheses or parameters. As new data or evidence emerges, this prior distribution undergoes a transformation through Bayes’ theorem, yielding a posterior probability distribution. This posterior distribution reflects an updated perspective on the likelihood of different hypotheses or parameters in light of the observed data.

In the realm of active inference, Bayesian principles play a pivotal role in shaping decision-making processes. Active inference involves not merely observing data passively, but actively seeking out information to reduce uncertainty and refine beliefs. By integrating Bayesian inference into active inference frameworks, individuals can make informed decisions in dynamic environments by continually updating their beliefs based on both observed and actively sought-out data.

The widespread application of Bayesian inference spans diverse fields such as statistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and scientific research. Its utility extends to tasks ranging from making predictions and estimating parameters to navigating complex decision-making scenarios under uncertainty. By providing a structured approach to updating beliefs in response to new evidence, Bayesian inference remains a cornerstone of rational decision-making and learning processes.

Exact Bayesian inference

Exact Bayesian inference refers to the application of Bayesian statistical methods without approximations or simplifications. In this context, “exact” signifies that the calculations involved in Bayesian inference are carried out precisely, often using analytical methods whenever possible. This approach contrasts with approximate Bayesian methods, which may employ numerical techniques like Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to handle complex probability distributions.

Exact Bayesian inference involves computing the posterior distribution directly from the prior distribution and the likelihood function using Bayes’ theorem, without resorting to sampling-based approximation methods. While exact Bayesian inference may not always be feasible for complex models with high-dimensional parameter spaces or intricate likelihood functions, it remains the gold standard when analytical solutions are tractable.

In scenarios where exact Bayesian inference is viable, it offers several advantages. These include providing precise and interpretable results, enabling straightforward sensitivity analyses, and facilitating direct comparison of different models or hypotheses. However, the applicability of exact Bayesian methods depends on the complexity of the statistical model, the availability of analytical tools, and computational resources.

In the context of active inference, both exact and variational Bayesian methods play crucial roles in modeling and decision-making processes.

Variational Bayesian

Variational Bayesian is an approximation technique used to handle complex Bayesian models where exact inference is computationally intractable. It seeks to approximate the true posterior distribution with a simpler distribution, typically chosen from a parameterized family of distributions. This simpler distribution is referred to as the variational distribution or the variational posterior.

The key idea behind variational Bayesian inference is to cast the problem of finding the posterior distribution as an optimization problem. Instead of directly calculating the posterior distribution, variational methods aim to find the member of the chosen family of distributions that best approximates the true posterior, as measured by some metric such as the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence.

The optimization problem in variational inference involves minimizing the KL divergence between the true posterior distribution and the variational distribution. This is typically done by adjusting the parameters of the variational distribution iteratively until convergence is reached. The resulting approximation to the posterior distribution can then be used for inference, parameter estimation, or model selection.

Variational Bayesian has become popular in machine learning and statistics due to its scalability to large datasets and complex models. It allows practitioners to perform approximate Bayesian inference in situations where exact methods are infeasible, while still providing reasonable approximations to the true posterior distribution. However, it’s important to note that variational inference introduces an approximation error, and the quality of the approximation depends on the chosen variational family and optimization procedure.

Exact Bayesian Active Inference

Exact Bayesian in active inference involves performing active inference while adhering to the principles of exact Bayesian inference. This means that all computations related to updating beliefs, making predictions, and selecting actions are carried out precisely, without resorting to approximations. In this approach, the agent updates its beliefs about the environment and selects actions based on the exact posterior distributions derived from Bayes’ theorem. Exact Bayesian active inference ensures that the agent’s decisions are based on the most accurate and up-to-date information available, leading to optimal decision-making in theory. However, exact Bayesian methods may become computationally prohibitive for complex models or large datasets.

Variational Bayesian Active Inference

Variational Bayesian in active inference, on the other hand, involves approximating the exact Bayesian inference process with variational techniques. In this approach, the agent seeks to approximate the true posterior distributions using a simpler family of distributions, typically parameterized by variational parameters. By optimizing these variational parameters, the agent aims to minimize the discrepancy between the true posterior and the variational approximation, often measured by the Kullback-Leibler divergence. Variational Bayesian active inference allows for more scalable and computationally tractable solutions compared to exact Bayesian methods, especially in scenarios with complex models or large amounts of data. However, the quality of the approximation depends on the chosen variational family and optimization procedure.


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16 March 2024

Allostasis Blog


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