

Decentralized Autonomous Organization Business Litepaper Scientific Litepaper The Logo of Allostasis DAO and

Slide Allostasis means: Remaining Stable by Being Variable Allostasis refers to the process of maintaining stability through variability, which is crucial for health and sustainability of cells, organs, individuals, groups, societies, biospheres, and the planet Gaia.
It is remarkable that all of these aspects of life can be modeled using a single mathematical framework with current knowledge such as active inference . This is why the Allostasis DAO Foundation was established with a strong commitment to solving complex issues related to health and sustainability.


The Allostasis DAO Foundation has established an inclusive and open ecosystem to unite innovators, entrepreneurs, and experts dedicated to developing and executing new ideas and solutions that foster a democratic and transparent world. The ecosystem utilizes the power of Industry 4.0 technologies, such as the metaverse, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and Blockchain, to support decentralized applications, smart contracts, and innovative financial instruments like DeFi and NFTs. Allostasis has initiated five platforms as a service and one platform as a marketplace to bring together communities and converge these technologies. The collaborative platforms provided by Allostasis offer the perfect environment for creating impactful solutions that improve human, social, and environmental well-being.

Metaverse (VR/AR)

Web 3

Internet of things

Artificial intelligence


Allostasis DAO Foundation is dedicated to supporting start-ups and platforms that prioritize improving human, social, and biosphere well-being. We currently support six start-up platforms that operate on open development and open-source principles. The ecosystem welcomes innovative projects and new start-ups can be added through DAO voting. Allostasis is committed to providing the necessary resources and support to help these start-ups succeed. The ecosystem offers a range of open-source platforms that contribute to shaping a healthy and sustainable DAO.



Wearia is an open-source wearable platform that offers customizable and modular wearables with advanced bio-sensing, haptic feedback, and stimulation technology for monitoring and improving physiological parameters and physical activity.



Sustainia is a decentralized e-commerce platform that promotes sustainable solutions for IoT, automation, electrification, and digitalization. It includes a blog platform, industry experts, and a network for knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and training.



Embodia is a decentralized open-source metaverse platform that offers secure, decentralized collaboration services for various use cases. It also allows game developers and designers to create and monetize their own metaverse experiences. It is part of the Allostasis ecosystem, promoting sustainability and health in the fourth industrial revolution.



Incarnia is a platform for personal biofeedback, emotion regulation, and cognitive enhancement. It provides users with a comprehensive understanding of their physical and emotional states through real-time biofeedback and self-reflection and can be used for various purposes such as therapy and stress management.



Avatia is a precision medicine platform that uses a person’s avatar as a digital twin. Users can store and manage their wearable and clinical data, creating a more personalized and precise representation of their health. The avatars can be used for research, telemedicine, and treatment purposes.

centeria no background


Centeria is a marketplace platform in the ecosystem that allows trading of digital and physical assets and services using DeFi, NFTs, and various payment methods. It is supported by the Allostasis DAO Foundation, which aims to create a democratic and transparent world. Centeria is a user-friendly and secure platform that revolutionizes the concept of ownership and financial transactions.


The Centeria Marketplace is an exceptional platform that is part of the Allostasis ecosystem. It aims to revolutionize the concept of ownership and financial transactions by leveraging Decentralized Applications (Dapps), Decentralized Finance (DeFi), and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). The platform provides a secure and transparent marketplace for trading digital and physical assets and services. It supports a wide range of payment methods, including cryptocurrencies such as Stasis, Allo, ETH, and Tether, as well as traditional payment methods. This makes it easily accessible to a broad user base.

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Wearables Devices

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DAO Tokens

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Metaverse Assets

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The blog is to provide a platform for rich content on trending topics in Allostasis communities, including videos, papers, articles, photos, arts, and metaverse experiments. We offer an opportunity for individuals to publish their content related to human, social, and environmental health and sustainability, and collaborate with others.

23 June 2024

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16 March 2024

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Bayesian Inference: a learning procedure that combines a probabilistic belief with some data in order to obtain a model

Humans and AI in Allostasis Ecosystem

16 March 2024

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AI Assistants and Community-Owned Collective Intelligence

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